Second Lesson: Reading is exciting! The Leap Frog and Accommodation. (February 16th & 17th)

What do you think is the story of this dragon?
I dare you to tell us in the comments section
How do you do over there?
Today this is our second lesson!!

And we are going to concentrate on two interesting issues:

Reading is one of the most fascinating things to do in any language!

Do you like to read?
How much do you read?
What was the last story, fairy tell or book you read? 
Ask around in your classroom to your classmates or at home and you will be surprised of how many things people are reading (or how few, on the other hand.)

A reading comprehension activity:

Either print this or read this passage about holidays and accommodation from here.

Or visit this website Reading 1 ACCOMMODATION  and do the reading and answer the questions at the bottom of the reading exercise.

Do not forget to look for the new vocabulary, here this is a great dictionary website:  Click into DICTIONARY.COM

Reading is one of the most satisfying activities, isn't it?

Now, let's read about the Leap Frog: 

Either print this or read this passage about holidays and accommodation from here.

Or you can visit the page and listen to the audio of the story:

And now, let's see what happens to Jane in her new house:


Bye, bye... see you in our next class...

Do not forget to leave some comments! 

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